BBQ Galore

BBQ Galore was an independent chain of grill equipment. They private labeled their own brand in other brand names (Turbo, Capt'n Cook, Grand Turbo and others) and were eventually purchased by Grand Hall.

Parts for these Models & Others

190082, 192377, 195172, 195412, 239442 BEFORE 1999, 3BENDLP, 750-0057-4BRB, CG3TCBP, CG4CKW, CHLR3SB, Cook On, G6TSR, GE3BSSLP, GRAND TURBO, gx4tbwn, XC03W, XC03WF, XC03WN, XCK3W, XCK4W, XCO3WF, XG3CCWN, XG3CKWN, XG3TBWN, XG3TSSN, xg4tbwn, xg4tcn, XG5CKW, XG5TBWN, XGTBWSS, YO662NG

Model not listed? Check the suffix has BBQ (Barbecues-Barbeques) Galore - Turbo, Captain Cook, Cap'n Cook BBQ gas grill parts for models that may not be shown as manufacturers frequently add suffixes to their model numbers to indicate types.

For example whether it is Natural Gas (NG) or Liquid Propane (LP), or whether the grill head is mounted on a post, cart or patio pedestal. Sometimes they add letters to indicate the color, such as BLK for Black, or BL for Blue.

As a result of the above, many of the same base models will be sold with many model numbers, but they will still use the same parts. If you are having trouble feel free to give us a call.

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