For models not shown below, please find your part by type and dimension.

Carrying parts for the following models:

146.2367631, 20040309, 46-37815, 4658774, 720-0266, 720-0267, BP3-1850R-K/D, BQ04022, BQ04023, BQ04023-1, BQ04023-2, BQ04023-2AS, BQ04024, BQ04025, bq04028, BQ05041-28, BQ060043-1, BQ51009, BQ51011, BQGL-629B, CPR-2250BC/D

Manufacturers frequently append suffixes to their model numbers to indicate whether it is Natural Gas (NG) or Liquid Propane (LP). Or whether the grill head is mounted on a post, cart or patio pedestal. Sometimes they add letters to indicate the color, such as BLK for Black, or BL for Blue. As a result of these and other variations, the same basic model will be sold with a number of different model numbers, but they use the same parts.

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